
Pitigliano, one of the symbolic places of the Maremma on the border between Tuscany and Lazio, can boast the title “One of the most beautiful villages in Italy”. Also known as “La Piccola Gerusalemme” due to the presence since the feudal era of a large Jewish community. The town stands on a tuff rock in the Fiora valley. Together with Sorano and Sovana it is located in the area called “le Città del Tufo”. In the historical center of the village it is a pleasure to walk through the alleys, with the many artisan shops. An interweaving of narrow streets, sometimes so narrow that a person struggles to pass us. The surrounding area offers its visitors a unique spectacle. Medieval houses and towers overhanging, ravines and caves dug into the tufa, walls of very high rock. A marvel not to be missed!

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